C.P.No.D-4081  of  2015


For Katcha Peshi





Mr. Sikander Ali Junejo Advocate along with petitioner.

Mr. Shaharyar Awan, Assistant Advocate General a/w ASI Rizwan Ahmed Narejo I.O.

Complainant Manzoor Ali present in person.



                        Pursuant to Court notice, ASI Rizwan Ahmed Narejo I.O of the case has shown appearance and has filed statement along with copy of statement of Mst. Najma Khatoon d/o Muhammad Hassan Noonari, the petitioner, and submits that in view of the statement recorded by him, the aforesaid FIR has been recommended to be disposed of in “C” class and summary has been submitted before the learned Civil Judge & Judicial Magistrate, Pir-jo-Goth vide final report No.20 dated 05.11.2015, whereas, no one nominated in the FIR has been arrested.


            Learned counsel for the petitioner in view of such position states that he does not press instant petition and further submits that the IO may be directed to obtain the appropriate orders from the concerned Magistrate and produce the same before this Court, through Additional Registrar of this Court, whereas, protection may be provided to the petitioner.


            Accordingly, instant petition is being disposed of with directions to the respondents to ensure that no harassment shall be caused to the petitioner, who shall be provided protection in accordance with law. IO present in Court is also directed to place on record the copy of order passed by the Civil Judge & Judicial Magistrate, Pir-jo-Goth in the aforesaid case through Additional Registrar of this Court, within two weeks.


Petition stands disposed of in the above terms.







