C.P.No.S-3219  of  2015



        For Katcha Peshi





Miss Farzana Bhatti Advocate along with petitioner.

Mr. Shaharyar Awan, Assistant Advocate General.




                        Pursuant to Court notice respondents Nos.4 to 8 have shown appearance and submit that no harassment has been caused to the petitioner, whereas, there is some dispute between petitioner and the respondents with regard to purchase of land. It has been stated by the respondents that they will seek remedy by way of filing appropriate proceedings against the petitioner instead of creating harassment.


            Petitioner along with his counsel is satisfied. Accordingly, instant petition stands disposed of with directions to get resolved their civil dispute, if any, by way of filing appropriate proceedings and to ensure that no harassment shall be caused to each other.


            Petition stands disposed of in the aforesaid terms.







