C.P.No.S-2599  of  2015



          For Katcha Peshi





Petitioner present in person.

Mr. Shaharyar Awan, Assistant Advocate General along with Muhammad Ashraf, SHO, PS, Thari Mirwah.



                        Pursuant to Court notice respondent No.3 shown appearance, whereas, comments have been filed on behalf of respondent No.3 wherein, it has been stated that no harassment whatsoever has been caused by police and there seems private dispute between the parties. It is further stated that some case is pending before the concerned Court.


            The petitioner present in person does not controvert such position, however, states that private respondents have encroached upon sikni land with the help of concerned police and harassment is being caused.


            Instant petition is being disposed of with the directions to concerned police to ensure that no harassment is caused to the petitioner in respect of private dispute between the parties, which is pending before competent Court of jurisdiction, whereas, concerned private parties are directed to ensure that they may seek redressal of their grievance by filing appropriate proceedings before competent Court of jurisdiction and shall not take law in their hands. Concerned police is also directed that if some cognizable offence is reported by either party, they may take action in accordance with law.


            Petition stands disposed of in the above terms.







