C.P No. D- 1683 of 2016.

______________________________________________________________________        DATE                                     ORDER WITH SIGNATURE OF JUDGE ______________________________________________________________________


1.    For orders on office objection at Flag ‘A’

2.    For orders on CMA 4658/2016 (U/A)

3.    For orders on CMA 4659/2016 (Ex)

4.    For katcha Peshi.

5.    For orders on CMA 4660/2016 (stay)




Mr. Ch. Shahid Hussain Rajput  advocate for petitioner.



                        Through instant petition, the petitioner has impugned order dated.16.04.2016 passed by learned Sessions Judge/Justice of peace Ghotki, in Cr. Misc. Application No. 844 of 2016, whereby, on an application filed by  respondent No.3 under section 22-A & 22-B Cr.P.C,  Justice of peace Ghotki, has directed the respondent No.3 to approach before concerned S.H.O for recording of his statement and if cognizable offence is made out, then such F.I.R be registered.


                        Learned counsel for the petitioner submits that the allegations as contained in the application under section 22-A B Cr.P.C besides being false and frivolous are tainted with malice, whereas, the petitioner had lodged a F.I.R
No. 02/2016 at Police Station Sarhad, about the murder of his wife, in which F.I.R, the close relatives of respondent No.3 have been nominated, therefore, according to learned counsel, in order to create harassment and to prevent petitioner from pursuing the above F.I.R, the respondent No.3 has filed a frivolous application under section 22-A B Cr.P.C, which is liable to be dismissed as no such incidence took place.    

                        We have heard the learned counsel and perused the record.
The attention of the learned counsel for petitioner was drawn to the impugned order, whereby, learned Justice of peace Ghotki has merely directed the respondent No.3 to approach the concerned S.H.O, whereas, the S.H.O has been directed to record his statement and in case cognizable offence is made out only then to register an F.I.R, whereas, there are no directions for registration of F.I.R on the basis of allegations as contained in the application under section
22-A B Cr.P.C which reflects that concerned S.H.O will apply his prudent mind to the allegations and only in such situation when a cognizable offence is made out and there is concrete material available on record to connect the petitioner with alleged offences, no F.I.R may be registered.  Learned counsel for the petitioner submits that there is apprehension that such order will be misused by the respondent No.3 and police and harassment will be caused, whereas,  there is apprehension that under the garb of aforesaid order, the petitioner will be involved in false criminal case which will cause serious injury to the petitioner.


                        We have heard learned counsel for the petitioner, perused the impugned order passed by learned Sessions Judge/Justice of Peace Ghotki in the instant case with the assistance of learned counsel for petitioner.  The contention of learned counsel to the extent that learned Justice of peace would have applied his prudent mind to the facts and after calling report and conducting an enquiry from the concerned S.H.O about the alleged incident, is not controverted.

                        In view of hereinabove facts and circumstances of the case we will dispose of instant petition with directions to the concerned S.H.O to ensure that unless, some cognizable offence is made out and there is concrete material available on record to support the allegations as contained in the application under section 22-A Cr.P.C, the petitioner may not be harassed or dragged in false criminal case.

                        Instant petition is disposed of along with listed application in the above terms.




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Irfan/PA                                                             J U D G E