Constt: Petition No.D-        3460 of 2015



DATE                                     ORDER WITH SIGNATURE OF HON’BLE JUDGE



1-     For orders on CMA.No.9993/2015 (U/A)

2-     For orders on CMA.No.9735/2015 (Ex.A)

3-     For KatchaPeshi.



01st. October, 2015.



                        Mr. NusratHussainMemon, Advocate for petitioner.




                        Through instant petition, the petitioner has impugned order dated  05.9.2015 passed by learned 1st. Additional Sessions Judge/Ex-Officio Justice of Peace, Ghotki in Criminal Miscellaneous Application No. 1726 of 2015, whereby the application filed by petitioner U/s 22-A (6) (I), Cr.P.C for lodging of an  F.I.R against proposed accused persons has been dismissed.


                        Learned Counsel for petitioner submits that since a cognizable offence was made out, therefore, it was duty of the learned Ex-Officio Justice of Peace to direct the S.H.O to record statement of petitioner and lodge F.I.R against the proposed accused persons.


                        We have heard learned Counsel for petitioner and perused the impugned order passed by learned 1st. Additional Sessions Judge/Ex-Officio Justice of Peace, Ghotki  in the aforesaid case. From tentative perusal of the contents of application U/s 22-A (6)(I), Cr.P.C, so also report of the concerned S.H.O, it appears that there is some dispute between the petitioner and the proposed accused over the rotation of water and they are neighbourers to each other. The learned Justice of Peace, in view of the material available on record and on examining the report submitted by the concerned S.H.O did not find the story as narrated by petitioner a confidence inspiring. It appears that allegations have been levelled against the proposed accused in the absence of any material on record. The petitioner would have availed an alternate remedy by filing direct complaint before the concerned Magistrate, instead of insisting of registration of an F.I.R. We do not find any error in the impugned order, whereas, the learned Justice of Peace has exercised the jurisdiction reasonably. Accordingly instant petition is dismissed in limine along with listed applications. However, the petitioner will be at liberty to seek proper remedy in accordance with law for redressal of his grievances, if so advised.