C.P.No.D-1932  of  2016



1.    For orders on CMA-5263/2016

2.    For orders on CMA-5264/2016

3.    For Katcha Peshi






                        Petitioners and their counsel called absent, no intimation received. Through instant petition, the petitioners have sought directions of this Court to the respondents to issue appointment order to the petitioners in respect of advertisement published in newspapers in the year 2012 as PST/JST.


            From perusal of record it appears that nothing has been placed on record to suggest that the petitioners participated in the recruitment process and were finally declared as successful in the merit list. Moreover, period of about four years from the date of recruitment process in the year 2012 has already been lapsed, therefore, instant petition also suffers from laches, which could not be explained by the learned counsel for the petitioners.


            Accordingly, we do not find any substance in the instant petition, which is hereby dismissed in limine along with listed applications.









