C.P.No.D-163  of  2013


1.    For Katcha Peshi

2.    For hearing of CMA-471/2013





Mr. Shaharyar Awan, Assistant Advocate General.



                        Petitioner and his counsel called absent, no intimation received in spite of issuance of direct notice to the petitioner. Instant petition was filed on 14.01.2013, whereby, the petitioner has challenged the recruitment process, pursuant to advertisement published in newspapers dated 31.08.2012 for appointment on the post of Junior Clerk in BPS-7.


            Pursuant to Court notice, comments have been filed on behalf of respondents, wherein, the claim of the petitioner is seriously disputed. It has been stated that since the petitioner neither qualified the written test nor his name was mentioned in the merit list issued, therefore, he is not entitled to be appointed as junior clerk. No rebuttal has been filed by the petitioner, who appears to have lost interest to proceed with the matter, which is pending since 2013 without any useful progress, therefore, instant petition involving disputed facts, is dismissed along with listed application.








