C.P.No.D-4451  of  2015


1.    For orders on office objection

2.    For orders on CMA-12471/2015

3.    For orders on CMA-12472/2015

4.    For Katcha Peshi

5.    For orders on CMA-12473/2015





Mr. Khalil Ahmed Maitlo Advocate  for petitioner.



                        Through instant petition, the petitioner has sought quashment of FIR No.35/2014 registered at police station, Kotdiji and alternately he prayed that re-investigation of aforesaid FIR may be directed to be carried out by some honest police officer.


            Learned counsel for the petitioner was confronted as to whether the challan has been submitted in respect of aforesaid FIR, in response to which he stated that challan has been submitted and the matter is proceeding before the trial Court. He was confronted as to whether the petitioner has filed any application seeking quashment of FIR before learned trial Court, in response to which learned counsel for the petitioner has contended that instant petition has been filed for quashment of the aforesaid FIR for the reason that the petitioner has been involved in other criminal cases, which are baseless. Learned counsel has referred to various FIRs annexed with instant petition, however, could not relate the aforesaid FIRs with the instant petition.


            After hearing the learned counsel for the petitioner and from perusal of record, it appears that petitioner has attempted to obtain order from this Court in its constitutional jurisdiction in respect of the matter which is already proceeding before the learned trial Court, whereas, the remedy provided under law has not been availed without any reasonable excuse. Accordingly, we do not find any merit in the instant petition, which is dismissed in limine along with listed applications, however, the petitioner is at liberty to seek remedy in accordance with law before the proper authority/Court.






