Crl: Bail Application No. D-          844       of 2015



Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi&

Mr. Justice GhulamQadirLeghari, JJ




21st. December, 2015.


                        Mr. Muhammad Farooque Ali Jatoi, Advocate for Applicant.

Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Sangi, Asstt: A.G.



                        It is, inter-alia, contended by the learned Counsel for applicant that applicant is innocent and has been falsely implicated in Crime No.83 of 2015 registered at police station “C” Section, Sukkur under Sections 324, 353, 148, 149 PPC & 7-Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997, whereas, there is admitted enmity between applicant and the police party i.e injured PC Muhammad EidanJatoi due to dispute over children. Per learned Counsel, the applicant has been falsely implicated in three other F.I.Rs i.e Crime No. 80, 81 and 84on the same day by the same police within a short period of two hours. Per learned Counsel, there is no independent eye witness of the alleged incidence, whereas, the pistol has also been foisted upon applicant to justify the instant F.I.R. Per learned Counsel, either the injury sustained is self-inflicted or has been received in same incident, moreover, the injury is shown at lower part of leg, whose punishment is not more than 3 years. Per learned Counsel no other co-accused has been arrested by the police, whereas, and only the present applicant has been arrested, who is a young boy of about 18 years of age, having no criminal history. Learned Counsel further submits that in the aforesaid F.I.Rs against applicant, the learned trial Court has already granted bail to the applicant on the basis of statements of the complainant(s), who have categorically stated that neither they have lodged such F.I.Rs nor the applicant is their accused, which reflects upon the malafide on the part of police who are bent upon to drag the applicant in false criminal cases. In support of his contentions, learned Counsel referred the order passed by learned trial Court in the aforesaid crimes, and has also placed on record the certified copy of Medical Certificate regarding age of present applicant.

2.                     Conversely, learned D.P.G opposed the grant of bail and submits since PC Muhammad EidanJatoi has sustained injury, whereas, medical report also supports the case of prosecution, therefore, the applicant may not be enlarged on bail, whereas, recovery of pistol has also been affected from the applicant and the ballistic report also supports prosecution case.

3.                     We have heard the learned Counsel for applicant and perused the record. It appears that the applicant has been implicated in four F.I.Rs which were registered at the same police station in a short period of about two hours, whereas, he has been enlarged on bail by the learned trial Court in Crime No.80, 81 and 84 of 2015, in which the complainants have exonerated the  applicant in said F.I.Rs, and have stated that the applicant is not their accused. It further appears that there is no private witness associated by the police either with the arrest or recovery memo, whereas, no other accused person is arrested by the police. There is no previous criminal record of the applicant who is reportedly a young boy of 18 years of age, whereas, the injury is in the lower portion of leg. False implication of applicant by the police cannot, under the circumstances, be ruled out, whereas,  weare of the opinion that matter requires further inquiry. Accordingly, the applicant is granted bail in the sum of Rs.200,000/-  (Two Lacs) and P.R bond in the like amount to the satisfaction of learned trial Court.

                        Needless to observe that observations made hereinabove are tentative in nature and may not influence the trial.
