Cr. B. A. No.1534 of 2015




1)                 For orders on M.A. No.9274/2015 (U/A)

2)                 For order on M.A. No.9275/2015 (Ext. of protective bail)



            Mr. Zakir Leghari, advocate a/w applicant/accused


1)       Granted.


2)       This is an application for extension of the protective bail moved on behalf of applicant/accused Sikandar Ali son of Muhammad Pinyal by caste Junejo in Crime No.141/2015, registered at P.S. Ranipur, District Khairpur, under sections 302, 148, 149, 109, 404, 324, PPC read with section 7 of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997.


          It is inter alia contended that applicant/accused could not surrender before the trial Court after grant of protective bail as he has serious threat of life at the hands of his enemies in District Khairpur. It appears that this Court vide order dated 19.11.2015 granted protective bail to the applicant/accused as under:


          “Without touching the merits of the case, protective bail for a period of eight days from today is granted to applicant/accused Sikandar Ali Junejo son of Muhammad Pinyal Junejo, subject to his furnishing solvent surety in the sum of Rs.500,000/- and P.R. bond in the like amount to the satisfaction of the Nazir of this Court. Applicant/accused is directed to surrender before the trial Court in the aforesaid crime. He is also directed to co-operate with the investigating agency. This order shall cease to have its effect after expiry of eight days from today or whenever the applicant/accused surrenders before the trial Court which one occurs earlier.”


          Applicant/accused was directed at the time of grant of protective bail to surrender before the trial Court and join the investigation in the aforesaid period. Neither the applicant/accused surrendered before the trial Court nor joined the investigation. From the perusal of the F.I.R. it appears that this is the case of 11 murders. The conduct/attitude of the applicant/accused disentitles him from extension of protective bail. Reliance is placed upon the case of Muhammad Sadiq and others versus The State and another, reported in 2015 SCMR 1394.


          In view of above, such extraordinary concession of protective bail cannot be extended to applicant/accused. No sufficient reason has been given for extension of protective bail. Therefore, this application, having no merits, is dismissed.


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