SMA NO.156/2015


Date                      Order with signature of Judge



For hearing of main petition.




Mr. Abdul Mubeen Lakho advocate alongwith Nuzhat Tariq, Bina Qazi.

Ali Umar and Amna Umar, respectively son and daughter of Nuzhat Tariq present.



                    Office note dated 03.12.2015 reflects that :-

          “As per contents of petition, the above named deceased expired on 15.06.2015 at Karachi. Original death certificate and family registration certificates are attached in the case file (page 15-21). The deceased above named left behind following legal heir as per petition:-

1.   Saleem Ansar, son

2.   Nuzhat Tariq, daughter,

3.   Bina Qazi, daughter,

4.   Sohail Ansar, son

5.   Nadeem Ansar, son.

          Legal heir No.4, Sohail Ansar is the petitioner and son of the deceased. Legal heir No.1 has filed special power of attorney in favour of petitioner, duly attested by Notary Public, Lahore, while legal heirs Nos.2, 3 and 5 have filed their affidavits of no objection in favour of petitioner and legal heir No.5 has filed his special power of attorney in favour of petitioner (page 169-181).

          Affidavits of two witnesses namely a) Ghulam Mustafa and 2) Robinson Anwar, are also on record (page 183-189).

          As per schedule of property (page No.25-27) the above named deceased has left four immovable properties, vehicle, shares and saving certificates. Photocopies of property documents are attached in the case file. (Page No.39-165), while original property documents have been seen and returned by the undersigned.

          Mr. Rana Jangshair Ali, Associate of learned counsel for the petitioner is present alongwith petitioner, legal heir Nos.2 and 3.

          Publication of main petition has been effected in Daily Jang, Karachi dated 04.11.2015, but none has filed any objection from any corner. Copy of publication is available on the record.”


                    As reflected from office note, above exercise was undertaken by office, inspite of publication at large none has come forward to raise any objection. Accordingly, instant SMA is allowed. Office shall issue letter of administration as well as Succession Certificate.    

                    Legal heirs Nuzhat Tariq and Bina Qazi present today, contend that with regard to Saving Certificates wherein nomination has been made by deceased in favour of Amna Umar and Ali Umar, with equal share of 50%, they have no objection if they will encash that amount from the concerned saving center/bank and receive the same as owners. With regard to share of legal heir Nadeem Ansar nominees would be bound to deposit his share with the Nazir of this Court.

                    Since the matter is non-contested therefore office shall accept original property documents as surety with regard to letter of administration and P.R. bond with regard to succession certificate. Nazir would be entitled to his fee of Rs.20,000/-.


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