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Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Faisal Kamal Alam

High Court of Sindh at Karachi, Bench at Sukkur and Circuit Courts at Hyderabad and Larkana
Category Wise List of cases (Judgments / Orders )
Total Judgements/Orders :
Code S.No. Citation Case No. Case Year Parties Bench Order_Date A.F.R Head Notes Judgement/Order
106161 1 2017 MLD 200 Const. P. 424/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Muhammad Kamran Khan V/S Full Bench of NIRC and Ors (Petitioner) VS V/S Full Bench of NIRC and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 03-JUN-16 No Nil.
106735 2 2018 PLC Lab. 36 Const. P. 84/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Mst. Samina Pathan (Petitioner) VS National Database and Registration Authority [NADRA] (Respondent) D.B. 17-MAY-16 Yes Dismissal from service in undue haste and in violation of statutory service rules, can be assailed in a writ jurisdiction.
106727 3 2017 YLR 242, 2017 YLR 424 Const. P. 846/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2014 Abdul Haq and Others (Petitioner) VS The Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) D.B. 26-APR-16 Yes Constitutional petition---Claim of petitioner was disputed by respondents and Revenue Authorities---Due process of law---Applicability---Due process of law was of wide import and its applicability varied from case to case in accordance with the set of facts and circumstances---Due process of law was also directly related to the rights, interest and entitlement of a person as recognized by law---Petitioners could not make out a prime facie case of their legal entitlement of possession of suit property---Entries in the revenue record about their alleged claim were under scrutiny before the concerned authorities---Term "due process of law" was not applicable in circumstances---Constitutional petition was dismissed accordingly.
112328 4 Const. P. 198/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2016 Abdul Majeed (Applicant) VS NAB and others (Respondent) D.B. 03-MAY-16 No Bail Granted--- Petitioner was a Bank official and arrested by National Accountability Bureau on a complaint by manager of a private Bank that he, along with co-accused persons, misused their authority and misappropriated/embezzled funds of bank by illegally opening an imprest account---Validity---Fact that as to how much amount landed in pocket of petitioner as beneficiary was not highlighted. No loss was caused to public exchequer as matter pertained to a private Bank. Company in whose favour purported fake Letters of Guarantee were issued also did not come forward with their claim or complaint. Validity of Letters of Guarantee had expired. Under instruments, no fiscal fraud of cheating was committed. Prosecution had to still prove its case before Trial Court and therefore, case fell within established ingredients for grant of bail, as it was a case of further inquiry in order to prove guilt of petitioner.
118390 5 Const. P. 6915/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Party-1 (Petitioner) VS Party-2 (Respondent) D.B. 26-SEP-17 No Nil.
120016 6 Const. P. 1974/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2017 Shahzad Hussain Shahani (Petitioner) VS Governor of Sindh (Respondent) D.B. 16-NOV-17 No Nil.
132706 7 Const. P. 164/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2015 Muhammad Akram (Petitioner) VS P.O.Sindh and others (Respondent) D.B. 14-DEC-17 No Nil.
133431 8 Const. P. 893/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2015 Ghulam Murtaza and 26 others (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) D.B. 11-JUL-18 No Nil.
133873 9 Const. P. 2149/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur; attached cases: Const. P D 4729/2015 2015 Abdul Hameed and another (Petitioner) VS Provicne of Sindh and others (Respondent) D.B. 30-MAY-18 Yes Nil.
138871 10 Const. P. 2105/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2016 Mst. Bhalan (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) D.B. 11-MAY-16 Yes Nil.
145281 11 2020 YLR 2597 Const. P. 2180/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2017 Masood Ahmed Wassan & others (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & others (Respondent) D.B. 29-APR-20 Yes
148079 12 Const. P. 2178/2010 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2010 Muhammad Asif Khan (Petitioner) VS Cantonment Board Faisal (Respondent) D.B. 08-DEC-20 No
150264 13 Const. P. 4447/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2016 Ashiq Ali Lakhan (Petitioner) VS Chairman NAB and others (Respondent) D.B. 09-MAR-21 No
154410 14 Const. P. 1256/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2019 Mrs. Farida Mansoor (Petitioner) VS S.B.C.A and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 07-OCT-21 No
155033 15 Const. P. 6377/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Meer Badsha (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) D.B. 26-OCT-21 No
155612 16 Const. P. 7697/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2017 Muhammad Shoaib (Petitioner) VS SBCA and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 23-NOV-21 No
155726 17 Const. P. 6989/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Farhan (Petitioner) VS SBCA and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 10-NOV-21 No
155727 18 Const. P. 6536/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Muhammad Bilal (Petitioner) VS Govt. of Sindh and Others (Respondent) D.B. 10-NOV-21 No
156016 19 Const. P. 3091/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Shahid Pervaiz (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) D.B. 10-DEC-21 No
156593 20 Const. P. 6423/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Mst. Tahira Bano (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) D.B. 02-DEC-21 No
156597 21 Const. P. 5574/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2019 M/s Messe Incorporation (Petitioner) VS Govt. of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 15-DEC-21 No
162425 22 Const. P. 849/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Barkat Ali and Others (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) D.B. 20-AUG-21 No
160939 23 Const. P. 321/2000 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2000 Grandiphar Pakistan (Petitioner) VS Drug Appellate Board & others (Respondent) D.B. 10-MAR-20 No
162258 24 Const. P. 5588/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s IGI Holdings (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 21-SEP-21 No
162417 25 Const. P. 319/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2020 Muhammad Mubashir Qadir Khan (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 24-AUG-21 No
162432 26 Const. P. 6734/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2020 Mst. Bilqis Bano and Others (Petitioner) VS Ministry of Defence and Others (Respondent) D.B. 12-AUG-21 No
165983 27 Const. P. 1568/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2020 Mst Rehana Hamid Lodhi (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 02-FEB-21 No
166347 28 Const. P. 99/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2020 Mst. Syeda Sheerin (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 09-MAY-22 Yes
204677 29 Const. P. 1001/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2023 Syed Muhammad Faisal & another (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 31-OCT-23 No
205773 30 Const. P. 1242/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad; attached cases: C.P.No.D-1385 of 2023 2023 Faisal Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 16-NOV-23 Yes
221456 31 Const. P. 293/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2020 Adil & Other (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Other (Respondent) D.B. 15-OCT-24 Yes
221651 32 Const. P. 69/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2024 Azizullah (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 30-OCT-24 No
223484 33 Const. P. 1613/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2024 Pir Aamir Ali (Petitioner) VS Mst Jannat Khatoon and others (Respondent) D.B. 17-DEC-24 No
245972 34 Const. P. 5661/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2024 Sindh Club (Petitioner) VS Syed Muhammad Taqi Naqvi and Others (Respondent) D.B. 17-FEB-25 Yes
127454 35 Const. P. 3528-A/2013 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2013 Mst Najma Soomro (Applicant) VS P.O Sindh & Othr (Respondent) D.B. 30-MAY-18 No Nil.
132692 36 Const. P. 1563/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2017 Munwar Hussain Solangi (Petitioner) VS PO Sindh & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 28-MAR-18 No Nil.
133430 37 Const. P. 179/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2015 Abdul Malik (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) D.B. 11-JUL-18 No Nil.
133432 38 Const. P. 1019/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2015 Muhammad Roshan (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) D.B. 11-JUL-18 No Nil.
134577 39 Const. P. 2732/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2016 Hayat Muhammad (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 12-NOV-18 Yes Nil.
146658 40 Const. P. 4177/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2020 M/s I.S Traders (Petitioner) VS FBR and Others (Respondent) D.B. 10-SEP-20 No Nil.
151493 41 Const. P. 2588/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Sundor Khan (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 20-MAY-21 Yes
154939 42 Const. P. 6148/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Fahim Khan Gabol and Others (Petitioner) VS DG SBCA & Others (Respondent) D.B. 28-OCT-21 No
155531 43 Const. P. 262/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2014 Haji Jaffar Khan (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 11-NOV-21 No
156599 44 Const. P. 5707/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Ghulam Sarwar & Ors (Petitioner) VS Govt of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 17-DEC-21 No
162463 45 Const. P. 3207/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Bawar Tawfiq & Others (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 16-SEP-21 No
164782 46 Const. P. 2116/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2019 Mst. Nighat Naeem (Petitioner) VS K.D.A and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 08-APR-22 Yes
165981 47 Const. P. 1226/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur; attached cases: C. P. No. D-721 of 2017 2017 Kashmir Ali & Others (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & others (Respondent) D.B. 09-FEB-21 No
168512 48 Const. P. 1554/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2022 Rasheed Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Regional Election Commissioner SBA and others (Respondent) D.B. 14-JUN-22 No
168524 49 Const. P. 2046/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2022 Muhammad Khan (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 15-JUN-22 No
190802 50 Const. P. 22/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2018 Khatoon Parekh (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) D.B. 18-DEC-18 No
205710 51 Const. P. 1382/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2023 Syed Hussain Ali Shah & Others (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 22-NOV-23 Yes
205775 52 Const. P. 1385/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad; attached cases: C.P.No.D-1242 of 2023 2023 Mumtaz Ali & Others (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 16-NOV-23 Yes
216421 53 Const. P. 1032/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2023 Abdul Haque (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 06-JUN-24 No
216423 54 Const. P. 2869/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2022 Liaquat Ali Bhand (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 05-JUN-24 No
216863 55 Const. P. 721/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit Court, Mirpur Khas 2024 Muhammad Yaqoob Anjum (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & others (Respondent) D.B. 25-JUN-24 No
221454 56 Const. P. 1063/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2024 Mst. Rehana and others (Petitioner) VS Mst. Razia Bibi and others (Respondent) D.B. 16-OCT-24 No
221641 57 Const. P. 1144/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2024 Shahbaz (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 29-OCT-24 No
221645 58 Const. P. 1555/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2024 Abdul Majeed Babar (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & and Others (Respondent) D.B. 29-OCT-24 No
221649 59 Const. P. 1566/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad; attached cases: C.P. No.D-1680, 1698, 1740, 1875, 1887, 1900 & 1907 of 2023 C.P. No.D-87,138, 208, 427, 828, 946, 1303 & 1379 of 2024 2024 Muhammad Ahsraf Qureshi (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 29-OCT-24 No
221833 60 Const. P. 914/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2024 Ghulam Hussain (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 31-OCT-24 No
221841 61 Const. P. 1952/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2023 Ali Nawaz (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & and Others (Respondent) D.B. 31-OCT-24 No
222525 62 Const. P. 1619/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2024 Mst Fiza and another (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 21-NOV-24 No
244624 63 Const. P. 410/2025 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2025 Anwer Zaib (Petitioner) VS M/s Rasheed Fabrics (Respondent) D.B. 10-FEB-25 Yes
106152 64 2017 PLC CS 80 Const. P. 2105/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Mst. Bhalan (Petitioner) VS The Province of Sindh & others (Respondent) D.B. 11-MAY-16 No The petition is completely silent about the fact that what steps the petitioner took to get her official service record corrected, while she was in service. This apparent contradiction about date of birth is a pure question of factual controversy and cannot be resolved in a writ jurisdiction under Article 199 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973. Even otherwise, issue at hand does not fall within the ambit of writ jurisdiction as it is barred under Article 212 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973, as, inter alia, the subject dispute is about an order of retirement from service passed by the departmental authority, as envisaged in Section 2(a) of the Sindh Service Tribunal Act, 1973, and can be otherwise assailed before Service Tribunal in accordance with law.
106494 65 2017 YLR 1174 Const. P. 3379/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Abdul Latif Shaikh (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 13-JUL-16 No An election for the reserved seat in a Municipal Committee without first filling up the vacant general seat in one of its Wards, will be an exercise in futility, as it will adversely affect the subsequent election of Chairman and Vice Chairman of that Municipal Committee. Consequently, in terms of Rule 47 of the Sindh Local Councils (Election) Rules, 2015, relating to electoral college should be complied with. Thus propriety also demands that a political party which enjoys a majority in a Municipal Committee should at least be given a fair opportunity to elect a chairman and vice chairman of that Municipal Committee
138875 66 Const. P. 4725/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2015 Mansoor Ashraf (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & others (Respondent) D.B. 30-AUG-16 Yes Nil.
132667 67 Const. P. 84/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2016 Samina Pathan (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 17-MAY-16 No Nil.
132693 68 Const. P. 4700/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2015 Muhammad Ramzan P.O Sindh & Ors (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 22-MAY-18 No Nil.
133427 69 Const. P. 3381/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2014 Mst. Fozia (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) D.B. 11-JUL-18 No Nil.
137203 70 2019 PLD Sindh 697 Const. P. 1913/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2017 Gulzar Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) D.B. 31-MAY-18 Yes Nil.
154938 71 Const. P. 6439/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2019 Javeria (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 29-OCT-21 No
146694 72 Const. P. 1101/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2020 M/s Sun Metal Ind (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 01-OCT-20 No Nil.
153310 73 Const. P. 6559/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2018 Imtiaz Muhammad Ali (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 08-SEP-21 No
154971 74 Const. P. 6329/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Syed Suleman (Petitioner) VS Syed Agha Rafiullah and Others (Respondent) D.B. 25-OCT-21 No
155457 75 Const. P. 6099/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Mst. Bass Khatoon and Another (Petitioner) VS Govt. of Sindh and Others (Respondent) D.B. 18-NOV-21 No
155872 76 Const. P. 3779/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2019 Muhammad Sadiq (Petitioner) VS KDA & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 01-DEC-21 No
156018 77 Const. P. 4631/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2015 Sir Syed Cooperative H.S Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. Of Pakistan and ors (Respondent) D.B. 07-DEC-21 No
156288 78 Const. P. 3902/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2014 Mst. Rukhsana Bano and Ors (Petitioner) VS KMC and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 10-DEC-21 Yes
156740 79 Const. P. 1535/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2019 Khaliq-ur-Rehman & Ors (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 13-JAN-22 Yes
162461 80 Const. P. 5849/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Shafi Muhammad Jokhio (Petitioner) VS Mukhtiarkar Gadap Malir and Others (Respondent) D.B. 29-SEP-21 No
168520 81 Const. P. 2000/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2022 Maqsood Ahmed (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) D.B. 15-JUN-22 No
207976 82 Const. P. 3152/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2018 Nasiruddin Abbasi (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & others (Respondent) D.B.
190806 83 Const. P. 1977/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2019 Mst. Kausar Sikandar (Petitioner) VS Govt Of Sindh & Other (Respondent) D.B. 28-JAN-20 No
213118 84 Const. P. 1788/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2024 Saadabad Coop Housing Society (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 16-APR-24 Yes
216433 85 Const. P. 1498/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2021 Jahanzaib Khan & Other (Petitioner) VS Secretary Home Dept & Other (Respondent) D.B. 06-JUN-24 No
221115 86 Const. P. 1807/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2023 Muhammad Shabbir Baloch & Others (Petitioner) VS Muhammad Anees Sakaria & Others (Respondent) D.B. 17-OCT-24 No
221653 87 Const. P. 1594/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2023 Muhammad Sultan (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 30-OCT-24 No
246136 88 Const. P. 5958/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2023 Shakar ud Din (Petitioner) VS M/s Twin Badar and Others (Respondent) D.B. 20-FEB-25 Yes
249412 89 Const. P. 6898/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2019 Bhagwandas (Petitioner) VS M/s MCB Ltd & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 10-MAR-25 Yes
103304 90 2016 SBLR Sindh 162 Const. P. 4404/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2014 Syed Dost Ali (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 13-NOV-15 Yes * In exceptional circumstances the writ jurisdiction under article 199 of the Constitution can be invoked, despite availability of an alternate remedy.---- * Excessive use of unlawful powers is itself unlawful.---- * Under grab of a pending civil suit, in which even no restraining order is operating and which is ex facie being not pursued, a bona fide purchaser of a property cannot be deprived of its use and enjoyment, as this violates the fundamental rights of a citizen relating to proprietary rights and guaranteed under article 23 and 24 of the Constitution. Caution note attached by the respondent-DHA to the property in question merely on the ground that some civil suit is pending as stated above, is not a proper exercise of discretion vested in Respondent-DHA, in the circumstances, as admittedly Respondent-DHA refused to even process the application for approval of the completion plan issuance of completion certificate of the Subject property on the basis of the impugned caution note it has put in its record. * A Genuine claimant can invoke section 52 of the Transfer of Property Act, by notifying the concerned registrar/ responsible for registration of sale/ conveyance deed (under Registration Act, 1908) about the pendency of litigation in competent Court of Law, inter alia, to protect one
222039 91 Const. P. 4404/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2014 Syed Dost Ali (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 13-NOV-15 Yes
106736 92 Const. P. 718/2012 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2012 Ali Hassan & Others (Petitioner) VS Government of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 27-APR-16 No Mere issuance of conditional appointment letters that too for a contract employment, cannot be invoked for seeking a relief for issuance of writ of mandamus, when official respondents have categorically disputed the relationship of the employment. Non-fulfillment of other codal formalities as mentioned in the offer letter has disentitled the petitioners from invoking the writ jurisdiction.
112137 93 Const. P. 4570/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2015 Munir Ahmed (Applicant) VS Federation of Pakistan and others (Respondent) D.B. 06-APR-16 Yes Mere fact that petitioner opted for plea bargain, which was not even recommended by the NAB Authorities, or duly approved by the Accountability Court, cannot operate as a bar for withholding the bail, if the accused otherwise makes out a case for grant of bail on merits.
116906 94 2019 CLC 583 Const. P. 1802/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2017 Premier Battery Industries Pvt. Ltd. (Petitioner) VS Karachi Water and Sewerage Board and another (Respondent) D.B. 15-AUG-17 Yes Petitioner had not participated in bidding process and assailed Public Notice and bidding process without fulfilling any of the conditions mentioned in the Public Notice---Validity---Petitioner had commercial motive that entire process should be started afresh--- Once the procuring authorities started bidding/ tendering process, provisions of Rr. 17(3) & 18 of Sindh Public Procurement Regulatory Authority Rules, 2010, would be applicable and such stage was a subsequent one and had not reached---Petitioner did not have any locus standi to assail procurement process, as it did not even participate in first stage of the process by submitting Expression of Interest---Public Notice in question did not violate any of the provisions of Sindh Public Procurement Regulatory Authority Rules, 2010---Basic information according to R. 73 of Sindh Public Procurement Regulatory Authority Rules, 2010, contained about subject project, eligibility of participants, date of purchase of Expression of Interest document and the same could also be down loaded from Sindh Public Procurement Regulatory Authority website and last date of submission also---Constitutional petition was dismissed in circumstances.
130235 95 Const. P. 1464/2010 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2010 Punhal Khan (Petitioner) VS Prov. of Sindh and ors (Respondent) D.B. 17-NOV-15 No Nil.
132651 96 Const. P. 2578/2010 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2010 Mohammad Ibrahim Shar (Petitioner) VS P.O.Sindh and others (Respondent) D.B. 27-MAR-18 No Nil.
132697 97 Const. P. 864/2010 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2010 Mohammad Ali Jamro (Petitioner) VS Chairman National Database and Registration Athou (Respondent) D.B. 14-DEC-17 No Nil.
134032 98 Const. P. 416/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2014 Muhammad Siddique (Petitioner) VS IIIrd Additional Sessions Judge, Hyderabad & others (Respondent) D.B. 01-NOV-18 No Nil.
134052 99 Const. P. 741/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2015 Muhammad Haroon (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh through Secretary [L.U], Board of Revenue & 4 others (Respondent) D.B. 03-DEC-18 No Nil.
134572 100 Const. P. 222/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2018 Abdullah (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & others (Respondent) D.B. 14-NOV-18 Yes Nil.
144661 101 Const. P. 411/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2020 High Court Bar Hyd (Petitioner) VS FED Of Pakistan & Other (Respondent) D.B. 18-MAR-20 Yes Nil.
145283 102 2021 PCr.LJ 1270 Const. P. 2147/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2019 Abdul Ghafar S/o Noor Muhammad (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & others (Respondent) D.B. 17-MAR-20 Yes Every disease, if not attended properly, would cause negative and hazardous effect to life but it doesn???t mean that its medical remedy is bail from the recovery of such diseases. His treatment in a best available hospital under a care of best team of doctors could serve the best option. These stresses and pressures discussed could only be ruled out if a patient remains away from all these stresses and strains and the best possible place for the prescribed health issues is a Hospital where a patient could be treated free from all such stress possibilities.
148078 103 Const. P. 5581/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2020 Shamim Ahmed Siddiqui & Ors (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 08-DEC-20 No
149576 104 Const. P. 1094/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2020 Suresh Kumar Hindu (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 17-FEB-21 Yes
150269 105 Const. P. 355/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2020 Muneer Ahmed Bhutto & others (Petitioner) VS Director General NAB & another (Respondent) D.B. 17-MAR-21 No
150270 106 Const. P. 661/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2019 Nazeeruddin Qazi (Petitioner) VS Fed of Pak & Others (Respondent) D.B. 17-MAR-21 No
150272 107 Const. P. 3222/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2016 Abdul Aziz Bullo (Petitioner) VS N A B and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 09-MAR-21 No
150399 108 Const. P. 1528/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2020 Aijaz Hussain Jakhrani (Petitioner) VS National Accountability Bureau through its Chairman (Respondent) D.B. 16-MAR-21 Yes
150769 109 Const. P. 2186/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Zabardast Khan Mehar (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 05-APR-21 Yes
151467 110 Const. P. 2587/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Iltaf Hussain & Ors (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 20-MAY-21 Yes
154722 111 Const. P. 4454/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2019 Tariq Wali & Ors (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 14-OCT-21 Yes
154936 112 Const. P. 321/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2020 Khawaja Qadeer Ahmed (Petitioner) VS S.I.T.E & another (Respondent) D.B. 28-OCT-21 No
154937 113 Const. P. 4496/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Abdul Rehman (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 20-OCT-21 No
154942 114 Const. P. 3310/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2019 Sohail Haroon (Petitioner) VS Saleem Memon and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 02-NOV-21 No
155615 115 Const. P. 8498/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2017 Mst. Uzma (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 25-NOV-21 No
156017 116 Const. P. 7194/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Muhammad Tariq (Petitioner) VS Govt. of Sindh and Others (Respondent) D.B. 10-DEC-21 No
156069 117 Const. P. 5947/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Muhammad Ali Shahzad (Petitioner) VS IIIrd Sr. Civil Judge and Others (Respondent) D.B. 13-DEC-21 No
207955 118 Const. P. 3902/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2014 Mst. Rukhsana Bano and Ors (Petitioner) VS KMC and Ors (Respondent) D.B.
210682 119 Const. P. 5604/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2018 West Wharf Warehouse Co. (Pvt) Ltd (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 09-OCT-21 No
160570 120 Const. P. 370/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2014 Mst Bibi Naz Bibi (Petitioner) VS Province Of Sindh and Others (Respondent) D.B. 18-JAN-20 Yes
162125 121 Const. P. 2387/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Jason Charles (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 10-SEP-21 No
162257 122 Const. P. 4886/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 M/s Amadeus I.T Group S.A (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 24-SEP-21 No
162427 123 Const. P. 1516/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Asjad Sattar Adv (Petitioner) VS DG SBCA and Others (Respondent) D.B. 20-AUG-21 No
162467 124 Const. P. 8092/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2018 Barrister Mujtaba Sohail Raja and Ors (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 03-SEP-21 No
166346 125 Const. P. 5895/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2017 Uzma Naz and Ors (Petitioner) VS The D.G Rangers & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 09-MAY-22 Yes
210173 126 Const. P. 1955/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2019 Israr Hussain (Petitioner) VS Federation Of Pakistan and Otehrs (Respondent) D.B. 12-JAN-24 No
212912 127 Const. P. 1716/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2024 P&T Coop Housing Society (Petitioner) VS Sect: Coop Department and Others (Respondent) D.B. 08-APR-24 Yes
213182 128 Const. P. 1437/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2024 Rana Khawar Ali (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 16-APR-24 No
216425 129 Const. P. 2903/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2022 Syed Khalid Hassan (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 06-JUN-24 No
216431 130 Const. P. 1023/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2024 Mst Muskan and another (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 06-JUN-24 No
221835 131 Const. P. 1624/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2024 Shah Nawaz Meerani (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 31-OCT-24 No
222025 132 Const. P. 1293/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2020 Sartaj Noohani (Petitioner) VS FED Of Pakistan & Other (Respondent) D.B. 07-NOV-24 No
112148 133 2017 MLD 200 Const. P. 424/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2016 Shabbir Ahmed (Applicant) VS Chairman NAB and others (Respondent) D.B. 04-FEB-16 No Recovery of 'amount due'---Willful default---Quashing of proceedings---Petitioners alleged to have committed offences of corruption and corrupt practice and had entered into Voluntary Return under S. 25(a) of National Accountability Ordinance, 1999---Petitioners failed to deposit amount settled under Voluntary Return, therefore, NAB filed fresh reference against them---Validity---When a person did not pay entire agreed amount as determined by Trial Court, then such default did not fall within the mischief of 'wilful default' as mentioned in S. 5(r) of National Accountability Ordinance, 1999---Remedy for NAB in such default lay in invoking S. 33-E, of National Accountability Ordinance, 1999, as the same had been termed as a special provision to execute recovery of 'amount due' under National Accountability Ordinance, 1999---Petitioners had agreed to pay back the amounts as determined by NAB, by signing Voluntary Return agreements, therefore, subsequent filing of NAB Reference against petitioners was not justified and the same was tainted with malice---High Court directed petitioners to pay Voluntary Return amounts in four equal instalments and quashed proceedings pending before Trial Court---Constitutional Petition was allowed in circumstances.
112297 134 2017 PLC CS 625 Const. P. 1519/2011 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2011 Abdul Ghafar (Applicant) VS Govt of Sindh & ors (Respondent) D.B. 13-APR-16 Yes Group Insurance being not part of inheritance (Tarka) and the same is payable to the nominee mentioned therein. Since, it is an admitted position as also supported by all documentary evidence, the present petitioner has been mentioned as nominee in the Nomination Form of State life Insurance Corporation, therefore, petitioner is entitled to amount of group insurance.---Rules 4.8, 4.9 and 4.10 of the West Pakistan Civil Services Pension Rules, 1963 are interpreted and pensionary benefits were allowed to the petitioner being a nominee.
117028 135 Const. P. 4843/2013 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2013 Maj. Rtd. Tariq Lodhi (Petitioner) VS Mst. Khalida Jilajni and others (Respondent) D.B. 21-AUG-17 Yes Nil.
118371 136 Const. P. 3488/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2017 Party-1 (Petitioner) VS Party-2 (Respondent) D.B. 21-SEP-17 No Nil.
133425 137 Const. P. 1949/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2014 Abdul Karim (Petitioner) VS Province of sindh and others (Respondent) D.B. 11-JUL-18 No Nil.
133429 138 Const. P. 157/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2015 Uroosa Kalwar (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) D.B. 11-JUL-18 No Nil.
144603 139 Const. P. 302/2012 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2012 Asif Ali (Petitioner) VS Secretary Board of Revenue & Others (Respondent) D.B. 19-MAR-20 Yes Service
151494 140 Const. P. 2589/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Saddique Ali Laghari (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 20-MAY-21 Yes
154598 141 Const. P. 771/2004 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2004 Capt. S. M . Asllam (Petitioner) VS Karachi Building Control Authority & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 12-OCT-21 Yes
154935 142 Const. P. 145/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2019 Goth Wasand Khan Kalmati Baloch Welfare Associatio (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 26-OCT-21 No
154941 143 Const. P. 5885/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Mst. Bushra Umer and Others (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) D.B. 21-OCT-21 No
155423 144 Const. P. 5539/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2017 Mst Aysha Begum (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 17-NOV-21 Yes
155624 145 Const. P. 1893/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Mst. Bakhmina (Petitioner) VS Govt. of Sindh and Others (Respondent) D.B. 26-NOV-21 Yes
155987 146 Const. P. 4882/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2020 Muhammad Khalid Ali Khan (Petitioner) VS Court of Minister of Cooperation & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 09-DEC-21 Yes
162429 147 Const. P. 2440/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2017 Shahid Ali (Petitioner) VS Govt. of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 13-AUG-21 No
162462 148 Const. P. 7578/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2018 Abdul Quddus Khan (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 28-SEP-21 No
162466 149 Const. P. 1146/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2020 Muhammad Irshad (Petitioner) VS SBCA & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 01-SEP-21 No
207985 150 Const. P. 5895/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2017 Uzma Naz and Ors (Petitioner) VS The D.G Rangers & Ors (Respondent) D.B.
168384 151 Const. P. 1950/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2022 Abdul Majid (Petitioner) VS Dist: Judge/Appellate Authority SNG & Others (Respondent) D.B. 09-JUN-22 No
168526 152 Const. P. 2052/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2022 Mehmood S/O Muhammad Rahim (Petitioner) VS Returning Officer Local Govt: Sanghar & Others (Respondent) D.B. 15-JUN-22 No
207969 153 Const. P. 2363/2009 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2009 S. Raffat Abbas Jafferi S/o S/ Ameer Abbas R/o kar (Petitioner) VS Sikander Ahmed & others (Respondent) D.B.
215877 154 Const. P. 2576/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2024 Jumani Builders & Others (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 23-MAY-24 Yes
221123 155 Const. P. 1509/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2024 Shahnawaz (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & and Others (Respondent) D.B. 15-OCT-24 No
221589 156 Const. P. 178/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2019 Sultan Ali (Petitioner) VS V.C University Of Sindh & Other (Respondent) D.B. 24-OCT-24 Yes
221821 157 Const. P. 83/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2024 M/s Muhib Ali Sadhayo (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 31-OCT-24 No
221825 158 Const. P. 589/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2024 Ghulam Hydder (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 31-OCT-24 No
221831 159 Const. P. 645/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2024 Mst Mumtaz Bibi (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 31-OCT-24 No
221839 160 Const. P. 1199/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2023 Razique Dino (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) D.B. 31-OCT-24 No
222371 161 Const. P. 852/2010 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2010 Munawar Ali Pathan (Petitioner) VS P.O.Sindh & ors (Respondent) D.B. 12-DEC-17 No
246870 162 Const. P. 6739/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Qadeer Hussain and Others (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) D.B. 24-FEB-25 Yes
106760 163 2017 SBLR Sindh 105 Const. P. 4725/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2015 Ubedullah Siddiqi (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 30-AUG-16 No Nil.
118370 164 Const. P. 714/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Javed (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) D.B. 21-SEP-17 No Nil.
124274 165 Const. P. 1853/2011 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2011 Ahmed Ali Manzoor (Petitioner) VS Pakistan Railways and others (Respondent) D.B. 06-DEC-17 No Nil.
132519 166 Const. P. 71/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2014 Miss Rukhsana and others (Petitioner) VS PO Sindh (Respondent) D.B. 20-OCT-18 No Nil.
132695 167 Const. P. 375/2012 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2012 Imtiaz Ali and others (Petitioner) VS Secretary Education & Literacy & others (Respondent) D.B. 29-NOV-17 No Nil.
132698 168 Const. P. 2586/2011 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2011 Rehana Akhtar (Petitioner) VS P.O.Sindh and an other (Respondent) D.B. 06-DEC-17 No Nil.
132710 169 Const. P. 2680/2010 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2010 Munawar Ali Bhatti (Petitioner) VS Government of Sindh and others (Respondent) D.B. 19-APR-18 No Nil.
132836 170 Const. P. 552/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2015 Asma kaka (Petitioner) VS DEO Matiari (Respondent) D.B. 25-OCT-18 No Nil.
144599 171 Const. P. 2371/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2019 Abdul Qudoos (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & others (Respondent) D.B. 18-MAR-20 Yes Direction
145280 172 Const. P. 1905/2011 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad; attached cases: Cp.D 1932/2011 &1269/2016 2011 Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & others (Respondent) D.B. 08-APR-20 Yes
145282 173 2020 YLR 2188 Const. P. 620/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2014 The Fauji Foundation Charitable Trust (Petitioner) VS Federal Land Commission & others (Respondent) D.B. 09-APR-20 Yes
146066 174 Const. P. 3088/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2018 Mukhatiar Ali (Petitioner) VS Shahdad Ali and others (Respondent) D.B. 29-APR-20 Yes Nil.
150271 175 Const. P. 1502/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2017 Abdul Hameed Khan Pathan (Petitioner) VS Deputy Director NAB & others (Respondent) D.B. 02-MAR-21 No
150273 176 Const. P. 3542/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2016 Mukhtiar Ahmed & Ors (Petitioner) VS N A B & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 09-MAR-21 No
153311 177 Const. P. 4028/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2020 Tanvir Jamshed (Petitioner) VS Muhamad Hanif and Others (Respondent) D.B. 16-SEP-21 No
154408 178 Const. P. 8963/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2018 Faisal Mubeen Jumani and Ors (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 10-OCT-21 No
154596 179 Const. P. 7173/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2019 Sheikh Imran Ahmed (Petitioner) VS The D.G KDA and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 10-SEP-21 No
154614 180 Const. P. 300/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2015 Mian Trust (Petitioner) VS Lyari Expressway And ors (Respondent) D.B. 18-OCT-21 Yes
155454 181 Const. P. 1115/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Ghulam Haider (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) D.B. 18-NOV-21 No
156049 182 Const. P. 4107/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2018 Perviaz Masih & Ors (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 13-DEC-21 No
160864 183 2020 SBLR Sindh 744 Const. P. 213/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2020 Burhan (Petitioner) VS Election Commisson Of Pakistan & Other (Respondent) D.B. 26-FEB-20 Yes
162420 184 Const. P. 3906/2013 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2013 Muhammad Tufail (Petitioner) VS Administrator Through CDGK and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 24-AUG-21 No
165977 185 Const. P. 861/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2015 Imdad Hussain and others (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) D.B. 27-JAN-21 No
165978 186 Const. P. 5017/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2016 Ihsanullah Khan & another (Petitioner) VS P.O.Sindh & Ors. (Respondent) D.B. 28-JAN-21 No
168514 187 Const. P. 2001/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2022 Karim Bux Rind (Petitioner) VS Regional Election Commission SBA Div & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 14-JUN-22 No
176580 188 Const. P. 885/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2022 Dur e Shawar & another (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 26-DEC-22 No
204041 189 Const. P. 1299/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2023 Abdul Hafeez Siddiqui (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 17-OCT-23 No
213691 190 Const. P. 2365/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2023 Nighat Rafey Ansari (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 21-FEB-24 No
216865 191 Const. P. 178/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit Court, Mirpur Khas 2024 Mohammad yaqoob (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & others (Respondent) D.B. 25-JUN-24 No
216873 192 Const. P. 653/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2021 Aftab Ahmed & Other (Petitioner) VS FED Of Pakistan & Other (Respondent) D.B. 26-JUN-24 No
221643 193 Const. P. 1486/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2024 Faqeer Fateh Muhammad (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 29-OCT-24 No
221823 194 Const. P. 133/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2024 Asif Anwar (Petitioner) VS Election Commission of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) D.B. 31-OCT-24 No
221829 195 Const. P. 606/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2024 M/s Muhib Ali (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 31-OCT-24 No
246966 196 Const. P. 1322/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2024 Shabbir Ahmed and Others (Petitioner) VS CEO Pakistan Steel Mills & Others (Respondent) D.B. 16-AUG-24 No
248556 197 Const. P. 2601/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2019 Muhammad Hussain and Ors (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 28-FEB-25 No
106724 198 Const. P. 2524/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Ali Muhammad & another (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan and others (Respondent) D.B. 22-AUG-16 No Registered sub-leases in respect of two apartment / units which were non-existent at the time of registration and even till the decision of the instant petition, have been directed to be cancelled by Nazir of Sindh High Court. It is an admitted position that these apartments are to be located at the third floor / story of the building which is not even constructed by the Builder. Section 17 of the Registration Act, 1908, cannot be construed so as to include an immoveable property, which is not even existing at the time of registration. Property sought to be registered should be of ascertainable description. Similarly, Section 2, subsection (6) of the Registration Act, 1908, wherein an immoveable property is defined, inter alia, means that an immoveable property should be a tangible one and physically exists. Different orders passed by this Court in various constitutional petitions, crux of which is that no registration of a residential or a commercial unit of a multistoried building should be done without a completion plan / occupancy certificate, are the decisions in rem, and thus applicable to the present case as well. One of the main objectives, that can be achieved by looking at the completion plan / occupancy certificate is that it can help in identifying the property sought to be registered and also verify the fact that a multistoried building is Regulations compliant, particularly having structural stability. Rule 135 of the West Pakistan Registration Rules, 1929, is not applicable to the facts of subject constitutional petition as the illegality of sub-leases in question were floating on surface and no further inquiry was required for ascertaining the validity of these sub-leases in question. Even otherwise a rule cannot be interpreted in such a manner that results in perpetuating illegality rather preventing it.
112271 199 2017 CLC 1650 Const. P. 2199/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2016 Haji Khan (Applicant) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) D.B. 03-JUN-16 No The eligibility criteria f a contesting candidate mentioned in the Sindh Government Act, 2013 (2013 Act), is to be interpreted keeping in view the basic concept of 2013 Act, which spells out that if a candidate is voter registered in an urban area, then he can only be elected for a Council falling within an urban area of the District as envisaged in Section 8 and 15 of the 2013 Act, including town committees; irrespective of the fact that a candidate is voter of the same district.
118611 200 Const. P. 703/2010 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2010 Abdul Qadir (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) D.B. 26-SEP-17 Yes Nil.
133424 201 Const. P. 1948/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2014 Khursheed Begum (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) D.B. 11-JUL-18 No Nil.
133428 202 Const. P. 65/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2015 Mst. Razia Khatoon (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) D.B. 11-JUL-18 No Nil.
138182 203 Const. P. 1007/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2018 Muhammad Mehboob (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & ors (Respondent) D.B. 28-MAY-18 Yes Nil.
150274 204 Const. P. 3615/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2016 Abdul Khaliq Pahinyar (Petitioner) VS NAB through its Chairman & others (Respondent) D.B. 09-MAR-21 No
151527 205 Const. P. 623/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2020 Haji Muhammad Siddique (Petitioner) VS The Province of Sindh through Home Secretary, Karachi & others (Respondent) D.B. 05-MAY-21 Yes
151528 206 Const. P. 1272/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2020 Mst. Salma @ Ume-Salma (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh, through Secretary Home Department Sindh Secretariat, Karachi & others (Respondent) D.B. 05-MAY-21 Yes
152917 207 Const. P. 8680/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2017 Muhammad Muqeem (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 31-AUG-21 Yes
207984 208 Const. P. 8680/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2017 Muhammad Muqeem (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) D.B.
154934 209 Const. P. 5553/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2019 Syed Iqbal Zaidi (Petitioner) VS Farooq Ahmed and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 18-NOV-21 No
155481 210 Const. P. 4770/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Syed Muhammad Tauheed (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Others (Respondent) D.B. 18-NOV-21 No
156150 211 Const. P. 4923/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Sindh Games Association (Regd) (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 17-DEC-21 No
165982 212 Const. P. 1542/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2020 Muhammad Siddique Pathan (Petitioner) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 02-FEB-21 No
168388 213 Const. P. 1994/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2022 Shah Nawaz (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) D.B. 09-JUN-22 No
168522 214 Const. P. 2024/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2022 Zaffar Ali (Petitioner) VS Election Commission of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) D.B. 15-JUN-22 No
168528 215 Const. P. 2053/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2022 Fida Hussain (Petitioner) VS Returning Officer Local Govt: Sanghar & Others (Respondent) D.B. 15-JUN-22 No
168532 216 Const. P. 2122/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2022 Ali Jaan Brohi (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) D.B. 15-JUN-22 No
190792 217 Const. P. 115/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2020 Mumtaz Ali (Petitioner) VS Govt Of Sindh & Other (Respondent) D.B. 18-FEB-20 No
207442 218 Const. P. 1241/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2023 Wilayat Khan thr: L.Rs (Petitioner) VS Aamir Azad & Others (Respondent) D.B. 13-DEC-23 Yes
213287 219 Const. P. 1541/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2024 Accountant General Sindh Employees CHS (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 08-APR-24 No
213774 220 Const. P. 1084/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2022 M/s Chase Up (Petitioner) VS The Commissioner IR & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 03-APR-24 No
221119 221 Const. P. 179/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2024 Babu (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & and Others (Respondent) D.B. 15-OCT-24 No
221647 222 Const. P. 1572/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2024 Hidyatullah (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & and Others (Respondent) D.B. 29-OCT-24 No
221837 223 Const. P. 1194/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2023 Abdul Hakeem (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 31-OCT-24 No
222331 224 Const. P. 1768/2010 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2010 Mohamnmad Aslam Khan Rajput (Petitioner) VS P.O.Sindh and others (Respondent) D.B. 09-MAY-18 No
106147 225 Const. P. 2199/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2016 Party-1 (Petitioner) VS Party-2 (Respondent) D.B. 03-JUN-16 No
112964 226 2017 SBLR Sindh 105 Const. P. 4725/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2015 Mansoor Ashraf (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & others (Respondent) D.B. 21-DEC-15 No Nil.
117306 227 Const. P. 2378/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2017 Shahzad Qamer Abbas (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) D.B. 29-AUG-17 Yes Nil.
117609 228 Const. P. 7101/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2015 Anwar Ahmed and others (Petitioner) VS Pakistan Defence Officers Housing Authority and another (Respondent) D.B. 12-SEP-17 Yes Nil.
120012 229 Const. P. 1292/2013 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2013 Riaz Hussain (Petitioner) VS Government of Sindh (Respondent) D.B. 16-NOV-17 No Nil.
125917 230 Const. P. 109/2011 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2011 Hibibullah Dahar (Applicant) VS P.O Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 17-APR-18 No Nil.
132694 231 Const. P. 2464700/2010 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2010 Muhabat Khan alias Dado Mahar (Petitioner) VS EDO Gambat (Respondent) D.B. 15-NOV-17 No Nil.
132705 232 Const. P. 4372/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2016 Hafiz Mustafa Kamal Siyal & another (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & others (Respondent) D.B. 29-NOV-17 No Nil.
132708 233 Const. P. 4675/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2016 Abid Hussain Solangi & Ors P O Sindh & Ors (Petitioner) VS P O Sindh & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 17-APR-18 No Nil.
132837 234 Const. P. 804/2009 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2009 Mst: Shahnaz Akhtar (Petitioner) VS WAPDA and Others (Respondent) D.B. 01-NOV-18 No Even departmental rules, regulations and instructions, which are non-statutory, have to be adhered to and an employer (Organization) cannot deviate from such rules and instructions, which are in the nature of a contract, binding on the parties. With regard to the Policy matters, it has been held, that even in the absence of vested right, the principle of policy is enforceable. The Respondents have failed to justify the issuance of impugned Officer Order, which ex facie is violative of the policy of the Respondent No.1 contained in Office Memorandum dated 13-04-1988 besides being unreasonable, hence, having no legal sanctity. Consequently, the impugned Office Order is of no consequence and is set aside. Accordingly, petition is accepted and the grant of BPS-15 to the Petitioner is restored with effect from 14-10-1991 and her other service benefits have to be fixed and calculated accordingly.
132873 235 Const. P. 1407/2013 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2013 Dr. Moiinuddin Shaikh (Petitioner) VS Federal Secretary, Water and Power, Govt. of Pakistan (Respondent) D.B. 23-OCT-18 Yes Nil.
133426 236 Const. P. 3166/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2014 Saima Memon (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) D.B. 11-JUL-18 No Nil.
146067 237 Const. P. 598/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2014 Kamran Mustafa (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and others (Respondent) D.B. 29-APR-20 Yes Nil.
148173 238 2021 PTD 867 Const. P. 4793/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2020 Kashif Feroz (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) D.B. 10-DEC-20 Yes
157115 239 Const. P. 8680/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2017 Muhammad Muqeem (Petitioner) VS Fed. of Pakistan and Ors (Respondent) D.B.
153397 240 Const. P. 1317/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2014 Farida Azam Ali (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 17-SEP-21 Yes
153746 241 Const. P. 8061/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2017 Ms. Rahila Anjum Ansari (Petitioner) VS FOP & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 23-SEP-21 No
153747 242 Const. P. 5660/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2019 Mann-O-Salva Pakistan Pvt Ltd (Petitioner) VS Chief Sect: Sindh and Ors (Respondent) D.B. 21-SEP-21 No
154597 243 Const. P. 4634/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2019 Muhammad Idrees and Ors (Petitioner) VS Govt. of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 27-SEP-21 Yes
154970 244 Const. P. 1407/2017 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2017 Ashwar Kumar (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 28-OCT-21 No
154972 245 Const. P. 6018/2021 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2021 Nawabzada Fatehullah Khan (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 02-NOV-21 No
155482 246 Const. P. 6524/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2019 Muhammad Arif Kasmani & Others (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 18-NOV-21 No
165980 247 Const. P. 1071/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2020 Manzoor Ahmed Lashari (Petitioner) VS Fed of Pak & Others (Respondent) D.B. 02-FEB-21 No
167676 248 Const. P. 2655/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2015 Anwar Naeem Ahmed Khan (Petitioner) VS Chief Executive Officer (HESCO) & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 04-MAR-20 No
168386 249 Const. P. 1992/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2022 Ali Akbar (Petitioner) VS Election Commission of Pakistan & Others (Respondent) D.B. 09-JUN-22 No
168530 250 Const. P. 2059/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2022 Saifal (Petitioner) VS Fed of Pak & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 15-JUN-22 No
176768 251 Const. P. 509/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2020 Shoaib Ahmed Shaikh (Petitioner) VS Chairman NAB & Others (Respondent) D.B. 09-MAR-21 Yes
188781 252 Const. P. 84/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2022 Aleemuddin (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan and others (Respondent) D.B. 22-MAR-23 No
190351 253 Const. P. 3152/2018 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2018 Nasiruddin Abbasi (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & others (Respondent) D.B. 04-MAR-20 No
221827 254 Const. P. 605/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2024 M/s Muhib Ali (Petitioner) VS Province of Sindh & Others (Respondent) D.B. 31-OCT-24 No