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Search Result on selected Judge

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ahmad Khan

High Court of Sindh at Karachi, Bench at Sukkur and Circuit Courts at Hyderabad and Larkana
Category Wise List of cases (Judgments / Orders )
Total Judgements/Orders :
Code S.No. Citation Case No. Case Year Parties Bench Order_Date A.F.R Head Notes Judgement/Order
144584 1 2019 YLR Note 1877 Cr.J.A 157/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Bench at Sukkur 2019 Sikandar Ali & others. (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) D.B. 15-FEB-20 No Nil.
228523 2 Cr.J.A 84/2020 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2020 QURBAN ALI (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) D.B. 20-APR-22 Yes
114816 3 Cr.J.A 404/2011 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2011 Pir Bux Shaikh (Appellant) VS The State (Complainant) D.B. 24-APR-17 No Nil.
115603 4 Cr.J.A 86/2008 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2008 Asif Rajput (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) D.B. 25-APR-17 No Nil.
149508 5 Cr.J.A 144/2019 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2019 ABDUL REHMAN S/O DEEN MUHAMMAD (Appellant) VS THE STATE (Respondent) D.B. 02-DEC-20 Yes
156136 6 Cr.J.A 4/2009 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2009 Mehboob (Appellant) VS The state (Respondent) D.B. 20-APR-17 Yes
115657 7 Cr.J.A 94/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2016 Muhammad @ Muhammad Khan (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) D.B. 14-APR-17 No Nil.
154017 8 Cr.J.A 44/2016 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Circuit at Hyderabad 2016 Ali Nawaz (Appellant) VS The State (Respondent) D.B. 28-APR-17 No