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Search Result on selected Judge

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zafar Ahmed Rajput

High Court of Sindh at Karachi, Bench at Sukkur and Circuit Courts at Hyderabad and Larkana
Category Wise List of cases (Judgments / Orders )
Total Judgements/Orders :
Code S.No. Citation Case No. Case Year Parties Bench Order_Date A.F.R Head Notes Judgement/Order
100059 1 H.C.A 89/2012 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2012 abc (Appellant) VS abc (Respondent) D.B. 16-APR-15 No Nil.
102871 2 H.C.A 117/1999 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 1999 Abidas Salomon AG (Appellant) VS Mr.Abdullah Ismail & Ors. (Respondent) D.B. 17-MAR-16 No Nil.
177404 3 H.C.A 204/2011 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2011 Habib Bank Ltd (Appellant) VS Haji Riaz Ahmed (Respondent) D.B.
161840 4 H.C.A 146/1997 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 1997 Cotton Export Corporation (Appellant) VS Amanullah Khan & another (Respondent) D.B. 22-APR-16 Yes
161852 5 H.C.A 323/1998 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 1998 Muhammad Amin & another (Appellant) VS Mst. Abida (Respondent) D.B. 04-MAY-16 Yes
161763 6 H.C.A 60/2012 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2012 Karachi Electric Supply Co (Appellant) VS Karachi Water & Sewerage Board & ors (Respondent) D.B. 14-APR-14 Yes
224647 7 H.C.A 505/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2024 Dr. Shahid Rasool (Appellant) VS Federation of Pakistan and Others (Respondent) D.B. 09-JAN-25 No
83633 8 H.C.A 94/2014 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2014 Bahria Town Private Ltd. (Appellant) VS Pakistan Defence Officers Housing Authority (Respondent) D.B. 11-APR-14 No Nil.
103846 9 H.C.A 198/2007 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2007 Tariq Saleem & others (Appellant) VS M. Sohail Shakil Faruqi & others (Respondent) D.B. 29-APR-16 No Nil.
148810 10 H.C.A 165/1992 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 1992 Pakistan Buemah Shell Ltd (Appellant) VS Karachi Port Trust & Ors (Respondent) D.B. 24-MAY-16 Yes
240997 11 H.C.A 259/2022 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2022 K-Electric Limited (Appellant) VS Muhammad Shahnawaz and Others (Respondent) D.B. 21-JAN-25 No
148789 12 H.C.A 60/2012 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2012 Karachi Electric Supply Co (Appellant) VS Karachi Water & Sewerage Board & ors (Respondent) D.B. 14-APR-14 Yes
148145 13 H.C.A 323/1998 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 1998 Muhammad Amin & another (Appellant) VS Mst. Abida (Respondent) D.B. 10-DEC-16 No
100058 14 H.C.A 87/2015 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2015 abc (Appellant) VS abc (Respondent) D.B. 30-OCT-15 No Nil.
103118 15 H.C.A 239/1999 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 1999 M/s Gerry International Private Limited (Appellant) VS M/s Aeroflot, Russian International Airline (Respondent) D.B. 08-APR-16 Yes Nil.
204837 16 H.C.A 364/2023 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2023 Zaheer Uddin Memon (Appellant) VS Security Papers Limited & another (Respondent) D.B. 23-OCT-23 Yes
224529 17 H.C.A 296/2024 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2024 Late Saeeduddin Qureshi through L/Rs (Appellant) VS Dr. Waqar Saeed and Others (Respondent) D.B. 09-JAN-25 No
103136 18 H.C.A 256/2004 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi 2004 M/s Aeroflot, Russian International Airline (Appellant) VS M/s Gerry's Internationl (Pvt) Ltd. (Respondent) D.B. 08-APR-16 Yes Nil.